
That Syncing Feeling

One of the most common support emails I get is when users have a problem syncing with Delicious (or In this post I hope to cover the most common problems and their solutions.

Maybe the first thing to discuss is why, if Yummy has been on sale since 2008, are users still having problems with something as basic as downloading bookmarks? The short answer is that there there are three major components that need to be working correctly for the process to complete, only one of which is Yummy. The others are the network and itself.

“ says that you’re refreshing too quickly”

If thinks that you’re connecting to their servers too often, they stop responding to your requests. This is most likely to happen if you try to sync multiple clients in rapid succession or, perhaps, start Yummy syncing and press the “Home” button on your iPhone. Yummy does not currently continue syncing in the background so the next time you launch it, it starts the whole process again.

The answer here is to exit Yummy and wait a while before trying again. You might also try switching to a different network (e.g., from 3G to WiFi) and try again.

Error Code 999

This is Delicious’ general error; “Something went wrong but we’re not exactly sure what.” In practice is means pretty much the same thing as the ‘refreshing too quickly’ error and can be treated in exactly the same way.

Error Code 500

There are two possible sources for this message. If the error comes directly from Delicious, then your best option is simply to wait a bit and try again. These problems are usually temporary and they usually fix themselves.

Alternatively, it could be your wireless connection. 3G networks, especially, sometimes do weird things with messages before they get to their destination. The quick-and-dirty solution is just to use a different network. WiFi networks are usually more reliable and quicker and have fewer oddities.

The other option is to go into the settings and change the “Sync Speed” option. This will either be set to “Fastest” or “Normal” depending on how you authenticate with Delicious. If you switch this to a slower setting it should make the syncing more reliable, albeit slower.

“The certificate for this server is invalid”

This has happened around the middle of May for the last couple of years. It means that Yahoo! have forgotten to renew their SSL certificates (or that something has been misconfigured). This means that your iPhone cannot establish a secure connection with the servers and, therefore, refuses to continue.

The solution to this is to wait until Yahoo! renew and correctly configure their certificate.

howto news

In brief

A couple of quick things that I thought might be worth making more public. (I’ve already tweeted about both of these issues.)

First, if you’re experiencing “The certificate for this server is invalid” errors, this is because Yahoo! have not fully updated all their servers with a new SSL certificate. They said that they fixed this yesterday but I still see the problem myself (though, funnily enough, I wasn’t getting it yesterday).

I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do here. We will just have to wait until Yahoo! finish updating their servers.  There’s a thread on their support forums if you’d like to keep an eye on progress.

Secondly, if you follow any of the Apple or iPhone press, even some of the mainstream media, you will probably have seen that a company is threatening to sue developers of some iOS software over some patents. As a precaution I have remove Yummy Browser and www.cut from sale in the US App Store. The full version of Yummy is still available world-wide.

I’ll have them back in the App Store as soon as the situation has been resolved.