
Yummy 2.7.6

Pull to refreshYes, just a couple of weeks after the last one, here is a new version of Yummy on its way to the App Store. Three changes:

  • Pull to refresh
  • Fix crash when there are bookmarks with empty tags
  • Fix crash when sharing a bookmark with no notes or a non-standard URL

Neither of the fixes affect very many users but I apologise if you were one of them.

As a thank you for your patience I have added “pull to refresh” in the “By date” view. This has been on my TODO for quite some time (and took more work than you might imagine under the hood!) but I think is a great new option.

You might ask: why add to the date view but not the “By tag” view? In short, I don’t think it makes sense. Pull to refresh works best when the list of items is ordered chronologically, such as a list of tweets or emails. Tags are ordered alphabetically so you don’t pull down at the top to get more items.

I could be persuaded that “consistency” trumps “chronology.” Let me know if you disagree.

Either way, I hope you like it.


Yummy 2.7.5

Update: Yummy 2.7.5 was approved on May 8, 2013.

I just submitted another minor update for Yummy to Apple for review. Apple are taking about a week to approve new releases.

This version has the following changes:

  • Fixes duplicate tag issue (more accurately, tags with spaces at the end). You’ll need to log out and back in again if this affects you 
  • Remove post-to-Twitter functionality for iOS 4.x users
  • Use 1Password to get and passwords
  • Open URLs in 1Password
  • Only show Instapaper and Pocket icons if username has been added in Settings
  • Other bug fixes

Regarding the second point — the removal of Yummy’s custom post-to-Twitter functionality — this has been brought about because of changes in the Twitter API. If you are still using iOS 4 I would encourage you to upgrade. As far as I know there are no devices that can run Yummy that do not support iOS5.

The 1Password functionality isn’t quite as integrated as we all might like. Unfortunately this is due to limitations in iOS. Just as I can’t add a “Save to Yummy” button in Safari, I can’t add a “Get 1Password” button. Nevertheless, I think this is still useful in this form.

This update has been a long time coming but it’s very much worth having. Hope you like it.