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yummy – Page 3 – Wandle Software

Yummy 2.7.10

I don’t think we’ve ever got as far as double-digits in patch version numbers — so that makes this new version of Yummy special!

Other than the number it’s a pretty minor update. There are two visible changes:

  • When you ask for tag suggestions, if there are none you now no longer get an error message
  • The Open Source library that I was using for the tabs in the edit bookmark screen was proving to be a little crashy, so I have removed in and am now using a standard Apple component in its place

In addition there is the usual collection of minor tweaks and fixes. Hopefully I’ll have more news about version 3.0 soon, once it’s feature complete.


Yummy 2.7.9

Another minor update to Yummy should be on its way to the App Store very soon. It addresses a couple of crashing bugs that were introduced in the last release and restores the ability to save the state of the “edit bookmark” screen which got lost in the iOS 7 version. Restoring the edit screen doesn’t result in 100% fidelity but you shouldn’t lose any information. I recognise that this is not ideal but I am trying to dedicate most of my effort to Yummy 3.0, which is, pretty much, a ground-up rewrite.

The most common bug took me longer to track down than I would have liked and, typically, resulted in the change to a single line of code!


Yummy 2.7.8

The last update to Yummy — the iOS 7 update — was pretty well received. Unfortunately it shipped with a bug where if you tapped the “Add bookmark” button on the web preview screen it would crash.

I’m not sure how that made it “into the wild” as that’s a feature I use myself all the time. But it did, and that’s what’s fixed in this new version.

You can download it from the usual place.


Yummy 2.7.7

Last, but by no means least, in my programme to update all Wandle apps for iOS 7 is Yummy.

Yummy 2.7.7 Date List

I’ll be the first to admit that it has taken a long time to arrive. Yummy is a deceptively large and complex app, and the fact that it was originally written for iPhone OS 2 in 2008 has not helped matters. This means that this update has had much more work “under the hood” that you can’t see than changes that you can see.

That’s not to say that there’s no Good Stuff. The “edit bookmark” screen has seen another facelift — moving the tabs to the top rather than the bottom of the screen, adding a character count for the notes.

In bullet points:

  • Updates for iOS7
  • Enhanced edit screen
  • Notes character count
  • Removed “shake to refresh” function
  • Bug fixes
  • Note: the earliest supported iOS version is now 6.0.

I am currently evaluating the possibility of an update that is a better iOS 7 citizen, including background updates. This will likely involve dropping support for iOS 6 and below.

Keep an eye out for the new version on Twitter and, of course, your device.

Update (2 January 2014): Apple approved the update in almost record time and it’s not wending its way to the App Store.


Wandle and iOS 7

September 2013 Invitation

Tomorrow Apple are expected to announce a — or possibly more than one — new iPhone, likely along with the date that iOS 7 will be made available for the rest of us. I thought that made this a good time to talk about what can expect from Wandle Software.

Short version: updates are coming but probably not for day one.

Due to the changes that Apple have made with iOS 7 it’s difficult to make an app that is fully optimised for both iOS 7 and earlier. What we’re aiming for with each update is works with iOS 6, works and looks best with iOS 7.

I want to be clear about two points about this. Firstly, if you’re using iOS 4 or 5 then you’re most likely not going to get any further updates. With very few exceptions, devices that are still in use are capable of running iOS 6. If you’ve not updated yet for some reason, now is the time! Of course, older version of our apps won’t suddenly just stop working.

Secondly, “works best” in iOS 7 might mean some aspects might not look quite as good in iOS 6. Everything will be functional and I’m certainly not deliberately degrading the look.

Updates for all three apps, Rootn Tootn, Yummy and www.cut, will all be coming out over the next month or two. (For what it’s worth, Rootn Tootn is currently the closest to release, www.cut the furthest. I believe all current versions work in iOS 7 without further updates.)

More updates when new versions have been submitted to Apple for review.


Yummy 2.7.6

Pull to refreshYes, just a couple of weeks after the last one, here is a new version of Yummy on its way to the App Store. Three changes:

  • Pull to refresh
  • Fix crash when there are bookmarks with empty tags
  • Fix crash when sharing a bookmark with no notes or a non-standard URL

Neither of the fixes affect very many users but I apologise if you were one of them.

As a thank you for your patience I have added “pull to refresh” in the “By date” view. This has been on my TODO for quite some time (and took more work than you might imagine under the hood!) but I think is a great new option.

You might ask: why add to the date view but not the “By tag” view? In short, I don’t think it makes sense. Pull to refresh works best when the list of items is ordered chronologically, such as a list of tweets or emails. Tags are ordered alphabetically so you don’t pull down at the top to get more items.

I could be persuaded that “consistency” trumps “chronology.” Let me know if you disagree.

Either way, I hope you like it.


Yummy 2.7.5

Update: Yummy 2.7.5 was approved on May 8, 2013.

I just submitted another minor update for Yummy to Apple for review. Apple are taking about a week to approve new releases.

This version has the following changes:

  • Fixes duplicate tag issue (more accurately, tags with spaces at the end). You’ll need to log out and back in again if this affects you 
  • Remove post-to-Twitter functionality for iOS 4.x users
  • Use 1Password to get and passwords
  • Open URLs in 1Password
  • Only show Instapaper and Pocket icons if username has been added in Settings
  • Other bug fixes

Regarding the second point — the removal of Yummy’s custom post-to-Twitter functionality — this has been brought about because of changes in the Twitter API. If you are still using iOS 4 I would encourage you to upgrade. As far as I know there are no devices that can run Yummy that do not support iOS5.

The 1Password functionality isn’t quite as integrated as we all might like. Unfortunately this is due to limitations in iOS. Just as I can’t add a “Save to Yummy” button in Safari, I can’t add a “Get 1Password” button. Nevertheless, I think this is still useful in this form.

This update has been a long time coming but it’s very much worth having. Hope you like it.


Wandle 2013

It’s already nearly May so 2013 is well underway. While there has not been much in the way of visible activity from Wandle Software a lot has been going on behind the scenes. I thought it was worth a quick discussion about our plans for the year.

As ever, I’m not going to get into too many specifics. I always think it’s a good idea to consider apps based on what they currently offer rather than what is promised at some unspecified point in the future and would encourage you to do the same. Having said that, all our apps continue to be supported and will continue to receive updates.

This year we’ve already made a small update to Rootn Tootn. There’s a bigger one in the works, with one major new feature that’s taking a lot of work to get right. As a teaser, I’ll say that once it works it will open up the possibility of a new, companion app…

Our longest serving app, Yummy, is also likely to get some attention this year. The next release, out shortly, will be a minor update that in addition to a couple of minor fixes actually removes a couple of things. For example, now that iOS has built-in Twitter support there is little need to keep the custom support that I built in a few years ago.

Removing features is not something I take lightly, but it will allow me to focus on features that most people do use and differentiate it from first party apps (now that there is one). Despite being in development since 2008 there are still features that I would like to build into it and removing stuff that is no longer needed will make that process easier and quicker.

www.cut will also likely get a small update. It does one task and — we like to think — does it well, so that will be just a few tweaks and minor fixes.

Most activity so far this year, and likely for the rest of the year, is around new app ideas. The problem with new ideas is that you can never be entirely sure which ones will work out, so no announcements and no timescales at this time.

In short, it’s business as usual!


Goodbye Yummy Browser

If you’ve been paying attention to the recent updates to Yummy you might be wondering where the companion update for Yummy Browser is. And the answer to that, I’m afraid, is that it’s not coming.

Unfortunately the time has come to say goodbye to Yummy Browser. Soon it will disappear from the App Store and you will no longer be able to “buy” new copies (though you will be able to re-download it if you already have a copy).

Why am I taking this step?

I created Yummy Browser with two objectives in mind. Firstly as a way of testing the effectiveness of mobile advertising and secondly as a “lite” version, a way of letting people try Yummy before paying for the full version.

Neither has been a great success.

Advertising just isn’t the panacea that many people seem to think that it is. My impression is you need of the order of a million regular users before it starts to make economic sense (or perhaps a smaller but more targeted audience). It won’t surprise you to learn that Yummy Browser has somewhat less than that.

And back in 2008-9, it was the received wisdom that a “lite” version was the way to get around the fact that Apple didn’t provide a way for users to trial software. Well, they still don’t have that facility and, while some developers have had success with that strategy, it has not worked brilliantly with Yummy. It’s difficult to calculate exact values since Apple provide no analytics but what I can say is that on many days, despite being free, Yummy Browser gets fewer downloads than Yummy.

More tellingly — and not entirely unexpected — more people who buy Yummy actually keep using it. When I release an update I get a large number of downloads for Yummy but far fewer for Yummy Browser. The spikes in the purple below represent updates from Yummy shrinking rather than big increases in updates of Yummy Browser.

(These are weekly numbers. Updates to both products are normally released within a day or two of one another.)

And finally, Yummy Browser has not been available for download in the US for a while now and it appears not to have affected downloads of the paid version there.

Yet despite little revenue, fewer downloads and less “sticky” users, supporting and developing Yummy Browser takes away effort that I could be putting into Yummy, www.cut, Rootn Tootn and other app ideas.

What I’m trying to say with all this text and the graphs is that this is not a decision that I’ve taken lightly, but I think it will improve things for users of all Wandle’s other apps. And let’s not forget that Yummy Browser won’t just stop working today.


Yummy 2.7.4

Well, it’s taken more than a year to be available, but Delicious finally updated their API so that clients can use spaces in tags. And that’s what this new version of Yummy, submitted to the App Store yesterday, is all about.

In short, if you use Delicious tags are now delimited by commas, just like on the website, rather than spaces as has been the case in Yummy until now. If you use Pinboard, nothing should have changed.

Because it’s a change, I’ve also added a hint on the tag entry screen so you know what character to use.

If you have already downloaded bookmarks and Yummy has (incorrectly) split your tags into individual words, then I’m afraid that you’ll have to log out and back in again. This will download all your bookmarks again, but this time they should have the correct tags.

I apologise that this has taken so long to come about but, as I’ve said to everyone who has contacted me about this issue, this was a problem with the API and not strictly a problem in Yummy.

There are also a couple of other smaller changes in this release. Firstly, there’s a bug fix. Occasionally Yummy got the count of the number of tags wrong. Annoying but not disastrous. That should be fixed in this version.

Finally, until now when you logged out of Yummy, it kept all the old details up to the point where you start syncing with the new account. I felt that this was a fail-safe; an extra opportunity to cancel. But I’ve had a few emails from people saying that they like to log out to prevent other users from seeing and editing their bookmarks.

In 2.7.4, Yummy now allows this by wiping out all the previous account information when you confirm you want to log out.

At this stage I think it’s unlikely that Apple will approve the update this side of Christmas but it should hopefully be a nice New Year gift for everyone.

Update: Released on December 20.