
www.cut 3.1

I have just submitted www.cut 3.1 to Apple for approval, so hopefully it should be available for download some time in the next week.

It’s mainly bug fixes and cosmetic updates, including new Retina graphics for the new iPad, but there’s one new feature that I hope you’ll like.

Previously when you Tweeted a link or sent it to Facebook, it sent just the link with no information about it. In this new version, you should get the title too.

A couple of minor caveats:

  • Firstly, if the website is slow (or you’re very quick), you might press the “Twitter” or “Facebook” button faster than www.cut can figure out the title. This is deliberate. If you really do want the title, press cancel and try again. Unless…
  • Unless the website is a bit odd and www.cut can’t figure out the title. This might be because there are a lot of redirects, because the title is generated using JavaScript or some other mysterious reason. I’ll be trying to improve the algorithm as time goes on, but the objective is for it to be quick rather than 100% accurate

Still, I hope you find it useful.