I have just submitted a new version of Yummy to Apple. Hopefully it will be available on the App Store in the next week or two.
Key features in this version are:
- Add tags to a new bookmark by selecting from a list of existing tags
- ReadItLater support. Now you can push your bookmarks to ReadItLater in exactly the same way that it currently works with Instapaper
- Send bookmarks to Twitter using SimplyTweet
- Shorten bookmarks using bit.ly, Tr.im or Cli.gs as well as is.gd
- More precisely remember the screen that was visible when restarting
- If you enter the URL, you can ask Yummy to go to the website and get the title. This is useful when you add a bookmark from Safari (by manually typing ‘yummy:’ in front of the URL) or from Twitterrific (where you can’t see the title)
- Changes to the way the initial download of bookmarks is handled to help avoid the dreaded Error 999
If you’re keeping track, at the time of writing, these are numbers 1, 2 and 4 in the list of user feedback on UserVoice and SimplyTweet support came from a user my email.
Of course there are the usual bug fixes and refinements (you now get a “Progress” screen when posting to Instapaper rather than just locking up the UI).