
Rootn Tootn 2.0.1

A minor update to Rootn Tootn is now on its way to the App Store. Download it now!

Rootn Tootn 2.0.1 has just hit the App Store and should be available to download. If you’ve not already downloaded a copy you should — it’s free!

There are a couple of very minor updates in this release:

  • Based on feedback from a lactation consultant, I have reduced the default reminder from four hours down to two
  • Various minor improvements to the look and feel of the app, including less dense icons and enhancements to the “photo blur” feature

Regarding the reminder, I should add that I have changed the App Store description slightly to make it clearer how the app was intended to be used.

As the risk of stating the obvious, Rootn Tootn is not designed as a substitute for paying attention to your child’s needs. The reminders should absolutely not be the only cue you use to decide whether or not to feed (or change a diaper/nappy, provide medication or whatever other reminders you set). I would expect that, in normal use, you would only occasionally see a reminder.