Yummy 3 was a massive update. It was effectively a completely new app with very little shared with the version that it replaced. Inevitably, sadly, some bugs made it through into the finished version, despite lots of testing by myself and the largest number of beta testers I’ve ever had for a new app. (Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the beta list.)

Version 3.0.1 is all about resolving as many of those issues are possible:
- Fixed a bunch of crashing bugs. Most were pretty obscure, happening rarely to a small number of users, but that’s no excuse. A better excuse is that I wasn’t able to reproduce most of them so the fixes are somewhat speculative.
- Performance improvements. The slowest thing in Yummy (all versions) is dealing with tags. I’ve made it quite a lot quicker, though you’ll likely only really notice during the initial sync or when migrating from Yummy 2.
- Fix the add bookmark functionality. This was the most embarrassing bug to make it into the final version.
- Fixes and performance improvements to the migration from Yummy 2. This should fix the syncing and share extension troubles that some users have been experiencing. There is a workaround.
- Workaround for a bug in Pocket that meant that you couldn’t save bookmarks using Yummy’s share extension.
- Improvements to “get webpage title” functionality.
- Dismiss keyboard when saving a bookmark.
- A new alternative to the “tag cloud” screen, which looks pretty much the same as the tag screen in Yummy 2, including the count of bookmarks.
- Updates to the versions of a number of open source components used.
I don’t normally include this much detail when talking about bug fix updates but I think it’s important to detail what’s going on this time.
I’m sorry if you’ve been affected by any of the bugs and I hope this release makes Yummy more usable again. Thank you to the users who submitted crash reports or emailed me with their thoughts or observations. As the App Store description notes: I can’t fix problems I don’t know about.
Yummy 3.0.1 is currently with Apple for review. It should be out soon.