Two things to note about our Smart App Banner WordPress plugin:
- Thanks to Borisa Djuraskovic it has been translated into Serbo-Croatian
- I’ve bumped the version number up to 1.0. It has not needed updating in a year and has been downloaded over two thousand times (more than any other Smart App Banner plugin for WordPress last time I looked) so I think it should be considered stable, making the 0.x.x version number potentially misleading
The first item required some leg-work to make the plugin support language files but, with that done, it should be easy to support new languages. If you’d like to add a new language, the distribution now includes a “pot” file. Basically you just take the first lines (labelled “msgid”) and put the translation in the next line (“msgstr”). If you send the completed file to me, I can do the rest.
Otherwise it’s not an essential update but there’s not reason not to take a copy when WordPress next nags you to update your site. We always welcome five star reviews, of course!