A new version of Rootn Tootn is currently with Apple, waiting for review. Hopefully it will be available shortly.
Changes in this version fall into two main buckets:
- A new tutorial when you first launch it
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements
The first guides you thought some of the main features of Rootn Tootn and clears up a couple of misconceptions that people seem to have that I don’t believe can be fixed by changing the interface.
There are lots of other, small changes. The ones you might be able to see are as follows:
- Can now edit event timers (broken in 2.0.1)
- Use full resolution icon in the about box
- Make duration in history view more legible
- Display the amount of time a reminder has been active rather than just saying “active”
- Ask for a name when creating a new reminder
- Highlight the “settings” button when in Edit mode
As always, we hope you enjoy the update. Please add a review in iTunes if you like it!