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version – Wandle Software

Yummy 3.6

The latest version of Yummy is a surprisingly large release. In terms of lines of code changed, this is probably the most significant since version 3.0 back in 2014.

Three pane view on iPad

Since I use the development version on my own phone and tablet, I sometimes forget how much has changed since the last release. This is one of those times.

If there’s one theme for version 3.6, it’s a refreshed user interface. The most visible changes are available on the iPad, where you can see a new, three-pane view of your bookmarks. On the left is the main menu, next are your bookmarks or tags, and on the right is the usual web view. You’ll also see a refresh of many of the icons and graphics. Rather than use custom glyphs, Yummy now uses Apple’s SF Symbols wherever possible.

There’s also a completely new user interface: Shortcuts. Apple’s automation tool has been around for a few years now and is getting more powerful with every year. Yummy 3.6 adds a couple of new actions to the system, allowing you to add a new bookmark and get the title of a webpage when given a URL. It’s true that the system provides a version of both of these built-in, but, frankly, they’re not very good (especially the “add bookmark” option). When adding a new bookmark, you can add it to any account, and set the title, tags, shared and “to read” status. Naturally, any of these values can come from your automation.

In the “improved but not yet complete” category, we have keyboard shortcuts. There are more keyboard shortcuts in this version but there’s still work to be done.

Yummy has worked on every version of iOS since 2.0 in 2008. During that time, Yummy has acquired special cases for quirks and behaviours for those old versions of iOS and the “best practice” for doing some things has changed over time too. While supporting old phones I have not been able to use the “new” methods, resulting in what programmers call “cruft.” So one of the nice things about this version of Yummy, one that almost no one other than me will ever see, is the amount of code that has been removed from it! But less code means (hopefully) fewer bugs and better support for modern operating systems.

Oh, and did I mention that coming soon there is a Mac version of Yummy? (There will be another post about that shortly when it’s available for download.)


CameraGPS 1.2 Preview

After the bad news about www.cut, I thought I should post some good news. And here we have a quick video — the one that will be the basis of the App Preview when it’s available on the App Store — showing off some of the features of the new version of CameraGPS, our geotagging app.

CameraGPS has had substantial changes to take advantage of the new facilities in iOS 8, so much so that it is now iOS 8-only. (The vast majority of users are currently running the latest version of the operating system. If you’ve not updated yet — please do! It’s worth it.) We’ve included everything from the new interactive notifications right through to the ability to geotag your images right inside the app.

Hopefully it should be available before new the New Year. It will be a free upgrade for existing users.


CameraGPS 1.1

CameraGPS on the iPadThe first feature update to our newest app, CameraGPS, is now with Apple awaiting review. Hopefully it will be available to download shortly.

In addition to the usual minor fixes and refinements, CameraGPS 1.1 has two main features:

  • Export your GPX trails to Box as an alternative to Dropbox
  • Now a Universal app, working both on the iPhone and the iPad
  • Syncs between all your devices using iCloud

Yes, I know that’s three bullet points. The iCloud syncing was there in version 1.0 but now, with the iPad support, it’s actually useful!

Box has become increasingly popular recently, especially with companies rather than individuals, and it’s always good to have extra options.

Personally, I don’t use the iPad version to record the trails, but I find it useful to be able to view them on the larger screen of the tablet. Sometimes you need to wait a while before all your devices are in sync. This, unfortunately, is outside our control (there’s no way to even show a progress indicator or even a hint that there is data to be downloaded). However, what I can say is that it’s worked pretty well for me.

I hope you like the new features. Please let us know what you think.


Rootn Tootn 2.0.2

Rootn Tootn tutorial
Rootn Tootn tutorial

A new version of Rootn Tootn is currently with Apple, waiting for review. Hopefully it will be available shortly.

Changes in this version fall into two main buckets:

  • A new tutorial when you first launch it
  • Minor bug fixes and enhancements

The first guides you thought some of the main features of Rootn Tootn and clears up a couple of misconceptions that people seem to have that I don’t believe can be fixed by changing the interface.

There are lots of other, small changes. The ones you might be able to see are as follows:

  • Can now edit event timers (broken in 2.0.1)
  • Use full resolution icon in the about box
  • Make duration in history view more legible
  • Display the amount of time a reminder has been active rather than just saying “active”
  • Ask for a name when creating a new reminder
  • Highlight the “settings” button when in Edit mode

As always, we hope you enjoy the update. Please add a review in iTunes if you like it!



Yummy 2.7.9

Another minor update to Yummy should be on its way to the App Store very soon. It addresses a couple of crashing bugs that were introduced in the last release and restores the ability to save the state of the “edit bookmark” screen which got lost in the iOS 7 version. Restoring the edit screen doesn’t result in 100% fidelity but you shouldn’t lose any information. I recognise that this is not ideal but I am trying to dedicate most of my effort to Yummy 3.0, which is, pretty much, a ground-up rewrite.

The most common bug took me longer to track down than I would have liked and, typically, resulted in the change to a single line of code!


Yummy 2.7.8

The last update to Yummy — the iOS 7 update — was pretty well received. Unfortunately it shipped with a bug where if you tapped the “Add bookmark” button on the web preview screen it would crash.

I’m not sure how that made it “into the wild” as that’s a feature I use myself all the time. But it did, and that’s what’s fixed in this new version.

You can download it from the usual place.


Rootn Tootn 1.1.1

Rootn Tootn History screen (v 1.1.1)
Rootn Tootn History screen (v 1.1.1)

I hadn’t intended to make this release. I made these changes back in December and planned to include them in the next major update (version 1.2) but the scope of that has increased somewhat and it’s taking longer to put together than I’d hoped. So, here are two nice, small improvements.

  • Edit a timer event, moving it before a previous timer
  • Date headings in the History view

The first is a fix for what, in hindsight, was a mistake in the original versions. I wanted to avoid the situation where you could have overlapping events. It seemed unlikely that anyone would want to do that. To keep the interface clean I made it so that you couldn’t update an event to clash with the next or previous one. Unfortunately this meant that if you missed a feed it became very difficult to add it back.

The solution? Simply relax the checks. 

The second change is to split the History view into dates. This breaks up the events so you can see what happened and when that little bit easier.

So, two small changes. But both, I think, make Rootn Tootn that little bit better.


Yummy 2.7.3

I have just submitted a small update to Yummy that is currently with Apple and will, hopefully, be released some time in the next week.

It has a single bug fix: if you leave the app when you’re on the tags screen Yummy will sometimes crash. This should never have resulted in data loss so, while I never like to release crashing code, I would hazard that most people never noticed.

Update: Yummy was approved on the 4th December, pretty much in record time — thank you Apple!


Yummy 2.7.1

I have just submitted an update to Yummy to Apple for review. Hopefully it should make it to the App Store some time in the next week. As with the recent updates to Rootn Tootn and www.cut, this revision is all about supporting iOS 6 and the new screen size on the iPhone 5 and fifth generation iPod touch.

The changes for Yummy were both more difficult and more extensive, much bigger than you might expect given the 0.0.1 version number increment. The “harder” I’m sure you don’t care about but the “more extensive” I hope you do. The most visible change is that the three little buttons at the bottom of the bookmark and web preview screens are gone, replaced with the iOS 6 standard “Activity View.” It looks like the attached picture.

Yummy 2.7.1 share sheet

The options available will depend on your device, but it should be the same or better than before.

(A quick aside to answer a question that I’ve been asked a few times now: no, I can’t add Yummy to the Activity view of other applications.)

Yummy 2.7 allowed you to use the new, built-in-to-iOS post-to-Twitter functionality. Yummy 2.7.1 extends that to the new post-to-Facebook dialog. You’ll find that the “Log into Facebook” button is no longer in the Settings screen. Instead you’ll need to configure the system-wide Facebook settings.

If you’re not running iOS 6 yet, things will mostly work as before.

However, there may be some Yummy users who will not be able to take advantage of these new features.

In order to build in any iOS 6 functionality I had to use the most up-to-date developer tools from Apple. This has meant dropping support for devices running versions of iOS less than 4.3. In practice this means all original iPhones, all iPhone 3G’s (not the 3GS which does support iOS 6) and their equivalent iPod touches. As I said last month, I am sorry if this affects you but there is nothing I can do if I am to keep Yummy current. Of course, version 2.7 won’t suddenly stop working.

The other casualty is Facebook support in devices that are not running iOS 6. This was a decision made more out of practicality than necessity. The post-to-Facebook functionality has taken a disproportionate amount of time to maintain compared with its utility or usage. By switching to the built-in functionality I can spend more time on more unique and useful features. The main device that this affects is the original iPad, though there may be others.

All software involves trade-offs but I think Yummy 2.7.1 will be a big improvement for the vast majority of users. I hope you like it.

Update 1 October, 2012: Apple just approved the update. It should be available on the App Store shortly.


Yummy 2.7.0

I have just sent an update to Apple for review. It’s not one of the bigger releases ever but there’s some nice new stuff that I thought was well worth releasing:

  • Built in web browser
  • Use iOS native Twitter functionality when present and configured
  • Improved “Get title” reliability and correctness
  • Refer to “Pocket” rather than “Read It Later”
  • Restore iOS 3.1.3 support

The main new feature is the web browser. It’s limited in some respects but for people who are frustrated that it’s not possible to put a “Add to Delicious” button directly in Safari (if you want this functionality, please ask Apple) it may be a convenient option.


You can find the option in the middle of the main menu screen.

The Twitter functionality is not so much new functionality as a change. Yummy will use iOS5’s built-in Twitter client rather than its own if it’s present and configured. The advantage is that you can now post to multiple Twitter accounts and you only have to configure your Twitter settings once. If you’re still using an older version of iOS you won’t notice anything different.

Finally, I have restored the ability to run Yummy on iOS 3.1.3 which was accidentally removed in the last version. This is just a temporary reprieve, though. Apple’s most recent developer tools no longer support anything older than iOS 4.3 which means that soon I will have no choice but to set that as the minimum version supported by Yummy.

Still, this is a great new release to run on your five year old phone!