
CameraGPS 1.2 Preview

A quick, visual preview of the new version of CameraGPS, coming soon to an iPhone or iPad near you…

After the bad news about www.cut, I thought I should post someĀ good news. And here we have a quick video — the one that will be the basis of the App Preview when it’s available on the App Store — showing off some of the features of the new version of CameraGPS, our geotagging app.

CameraGPS has had substantial changes to take advantage of the new facilities in iOS 8, so much so that it is now iOS 8-only. (The vast majority of users are currently running the latest version of the operating system. If you’ve not updated yet — please do! It’s worth it.) We’ve included everything from the new interactive notifications right through to the ability to geotag your images right inside the app.

Hopefully it should be available before new the New Year. It will be a free upgrade for existing users.