
Announcing: Yummy Browser 2.6.0

Yummy Browser 2.6 continues its tradition of incorporating the best features of it’s big brother. The checklist looks like this:
  • New bookmark view, showing the full text of the title and very long lists of tags 
  • Press and hold in any of the bookmark lists to see the full bookmark title 
  • Show URL, tags or notes in bookmark view 
  • Swipe left/right in bookmark view to switch between URL, tags and notes 
  • support 
  • Improve sync reliability 
Note that some of these features need iOS 3.2 or higher. Yummy will work on iOS 3.1.3 and above.

Since the features are mostly shared with the full version of Yummy, you’ll be able to see the new features discussed here over the next few days. Or you could just go to the App Store and download it — it’s available now and is free.