Yummy has had a built-in web preview feature since version 2.0, but version 2.4 brings a number of nice improvements.
Most obviously is the new array of buttons at the bottom of the screen. I’m sure you can guess the back, forward and stop/reload buttons.
The buttons on the right of the screen can also be accessed in the bookmark view and they are, left to right:
- Send to read later service Instapaper or Read It Later. This button only appears if you have entered your username into the Settings screen.
- Share link. Here you can share the current link on Facebook or Twitter.
- Apple calls this an “Action” button, and in Yummy it allows you to send the link by email, open in Safari or copy the link to the clipboard.
More hidden, but possibly even more useful, is the support for Mobilizers.
A mobilizer is a service that transforms other websites, making them easier to view on the small screen found on handsets like the iPhone. If you go into the Settings you switch between “None” (the default), Instapaper and Google. The screenshot above has been converted by Google’s service.