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Editing Tags

One of the constant battles you come across when developing an iPhone application is that between limited screen space and the desire to make new features obvious and easy to find. The ability to edit tags is clearly an area where I saved screen real-estate at the expense of making it discoverable.

I refer here to a suggestion added on the Yummy Uservoice page:

The other suggestion of auto fill all tags from a bookmark that others have added would be good too, although that would require a network lookup.

Actually this feature has been present since version 2.1! I consider it a failing on my part that users who are enthusiastic enough to send me feedback have been unable to find this feature themselves. I hope to make this easier to find and use in the next version.

But until the next release is available in iTunes the current mechanism is the only way to go. Here’s how it works.

First, open the bookmark screen. You need to be adding or editing a bookmark for the button to be enabled. In this screen shot I am adding a new bookmark. Note that the “bookmark” icon at the bottom of the screen is now enabled.

Press this and the Tags field will now be populated with the suggested tags for this bookmark. If you’ve already added some tags then the new ones will be merged, so don’t worry, you won’t lose any edits.

If you followed the link to look at the suggestion, you’ll see that the quote above was the second part. Here’s the first half:

As you are entering new tags, auto lookup of tags I’ve used before. Say I have already used the tag “iPod-touch”, as I type “ip…” it would display all tags starting with “ip”.

I would love to be able to do this. There are, however, two stumbling blocks. The first is entirely my problem: performance. Some users have thousands of tags and making this work without being painfully slow would be hard. But the main difficulty is with the user interface.

Look at the screen above. Where could you put those suggested tags? When you remember that I also need to leave space for the keyboard, there really isn’t very much space! In the olden days, back in release 1.0 of Yummy, you used to edit tags on a different screen. This would have given enough space to add a list of suggestions, but a few users complained that moving to a new screen was unnecessary and slowed things down. I agreed with this (even though that’s how Apple’s Contacts application works) and fixed it in version 2.0.

This is all to say that this is a feature that I am actively thinking about but is not one that you should expect to see imminently. If you have any suggestions of how you think this could be made to work, then I’m all ears.

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Bookmarking to Delicious from Twitter

A few people have asked if I can provide a way that they can save links they see in tweets to Delicious using Yummy. And the answer to that is… partly. Yummy already has a bookmarklet that you can use in Safari to add bookmarks, and developers can use the same mechanism in their applications. Of course whether people implement that side is not up to me.

That, however, is not the whole story. My current favourite Twitter client for the iPhone is TwitterFon and that is Open Source, which means that I can make changes. The look like this.

You start with your list of tweets:

When you drill down on a tweet with a link, you get to the web view screen. And at the bottom right, much like in Yummy, is an action button where you can do things with the current page. In my tweaked version it looks like this:

Clearly this is not a “production ready” patch. I have not put in any code so that the button is not displayed if you don’t have Yummy for example. If you have the developer tools and would like to apply the patch, here’s the code:

Index: WebViewController.m
--- WebViewController.m (revision 1677)
+++ WebViewController.m (working copy)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
- otherButtonTitles:@"Open with Safari", @"Email This Link", nil];
+ otherButtonTitles:@"Open with Safari", @"Email This Link", @"Send to Yummy", nil];
[as showInView:self.navigationController.parentViewController.view];
[as release];

@@ -146,18 +146,29 @@
if (as.cancelButtonIndex == buttonIndex) return;

- if (buttonIndex == 0) {
- [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:currentURL];
+ NSString* sendTo;
+ NSString *body;
+ switch (buttonIndex) {
+ case 0:
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:currentURL];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ body = @"nnSent from TwitterFon";
+ sendTo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"mailto:?subject=%@&body=%@%@",
+ [titleLabel.text encodeAsURIComponent],
+ currentURL,
+ [body encodeAsURIComponent]];
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:sendTo]];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sendTo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"yummy://post?title=%@&url=%@",
+ [titleLabel.text encodeAsURIComponent],
+ currentURL];
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:sendTo]];
+ break;
- else {
- NSString *body = @"nnSent from TwitterFon";
- NSString *mailTo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"mailto:?subject=%@&body=%@%@",
- [titleLabel.text encodeAsURIComponent],
- currentURL,
- [body encodeAsURIComponent]];
- [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:mailTo]];
- }

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
support trivia

Number of Bookmarks

One question I get a lot is “How many bookmarks can Yummy handle?” The short answer is there’s no absolute number that I can tell you but I can give you some heuristics and anecdotes. The short answer is “a lot.”

I typically do my testing with between three hundred and two thousand bookmarks, depending exactly on what I’m doing. If you are in that range you’ll be fine. I have recently been testing with nearly four thousand bookmarks and over three thousand tags, which means that version 2.1 of Yummy works acceptably well in that range. I also heard from a user with six thousand bookmarks.

At the higher end of the spectrum, you will generally find that Yummy works just fine albeit a little slowly. I’m always working to make Yummy faster and more efficient, but ultimately the iPhone has limited memory and a slow CPU. Having said that, the vast majority of users will never notice.

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Memory Warning

By now many of you (assuming you own Yummy!) will have seen the above warning message. Why are you getting it and what does it really mean? That’s what this post hopes to answer.

The first thing to note is that the error message is being completely honest. The iPhone has told Yummy that it is running out of memory and that if nothing changes it will be shutdown without warning.

Does that not mean that Yummy is being incredibly wasteful? How could it possibly be using 8Gb of memory just to display a webpage? The answer to that is, it’s not that memory that is being depleted. In order to run programs the iPhone has around 128Mb of memory, less than 30Mb of which is available to third-party applications like Yummy. The number on the box, the 8Gb, 16Gb and 32Gb sizes, are a different “pot” that cannot be used for the same purpose.

So, the first thing that Yummy does when it starts running out of memory is to “forget” about as much stuff as possible that it doesn’t currently need. This means that the number of bookmarks in your Delicious account has little bearing on how much memory is used.

Jettisoning this temporary data is typically enough to allow the webpage to load. However if you’re loading a particularly large or complicated page it might not be and, unfortunately, Yummy often does not get a second warning before being forced out.

This is one of those rare cases where I’ve had to let some of the underlying technical details show through. It’s not ideal but I thought it better that you know what’s going on rather than just allow it to exit without warning.

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Yummy Settings

The functionality of Yummy that we’ve seen over the last couple of weeks has pretty much been what you get “out of the box.” There is, however, an increasingly large number of switches and options in the Settings application that you can set to customise Yummy to work just the way you like.

You credentials are typically set when you launch Yummy for the first time. If you want to change to a different user or you’ve changed your password, this is where you change it.

Share new posts. Are new bookmarks public or private by default?

Refresh on startup. By default Yummy with try to synchronise your bookmarks as soon as you start. If you don’t change your bookmarks very often or have a lot of bookmarks and it takes a while to refresh, you may prefer to sync manually.

Remember last screen. If this option is set to ON Yummy will start in the same mode you were using last time you had it open. (Yes, in version 2.0 there’s a typo. This will be fixed in the next version.)

Shake to refresh. A fun option suggested by a user. Rather than having to press the Refresh button in the menu screen, you can simply shake your iPhone or iPod touch to initiate a full sync.

Twitter Client. Many Yummy users also regularly use Twitter. This option allows you to send bookmarks to your favourite Twitter client,

Shorten URL. If enabled, Yummy will shorten the URL using before sending to Twitter. This option is not used when sending links to Safari or Mail.

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Web Preview

A popular request from users of version 1.0 if Yummy was a built-in web page viewer. I was more than happy to oblige.

The “action” menu at the bottom right is exactly the same as that found in the post view screen, with the same functionality and operation.

While mainly designed to view your bookmarks, it’s not unusual to venture off the well trodden path occasionally. If you find a page you want to bookmark as well, you can add it to Delicious using the “add” button which you’ll find to the left of the action button.

news support

Yummy and iPhone 2.2.1

You may be aware that Apple just released a new version of the iPhone OS. It is only a small update and so I do not anticipate any problems when using Yummy with it, but you never know. I’ll be testing myself as soon as I can. Please let me know if you see anything untoward.

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All the information that holds about your bookmarks are available in Yummy, whether you are on- or off-line.

Of course there’s no point in just looking at your bookmarks! You want to do something with them. The first option is hinted at by the arrow to the right of the URL. This opens the web preview. I’ll be talking about that a little more tomorrow.

There are further options that you can find by pressing the “Action” button in the bottom right of the screen:

The two options that are always available are open the link in Safari and send it to Mail. You can also configure Yummy to send the bookmark (optionally shortened using to Twitter. More about that in a couple of days.

You can also edit any bookmark by pressing the “Edit” button in the top right of the screen. Unlike in Yummy version one, all editing, with the exception of the date field, is performed directly in this screen without flipping to an edit only screen.

An “add bookmark” screen looks very similar (see above) but the operation is exactly the same. You can add new bookmarks by pressing the “add” button that you’ll find in most Yummy screens. As with version one, the bookmarklet is also available when you’re in Safari. The instructions for adding it are exactly the same as before.

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Searching for Bookmarks

Searching has always been a big feature of Yummy and has been revamped and improved for version two.

For starters, the screen looks different:

Note how that here we have searched for bookmarks that have both the “iphone” and “development” tag. A similar trick applies when you search by title and notes fields: it searches for all words but not necessarily in any given order. For example searching for “hello world” would find both “Hello there, world” and “World says Hello.”

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View by Tag

Brand new in Yummy 2.0 is the ability to browse through your bookmarks by tag. You could already search for them but a number of users indicated that a screen like this would be very useful:

From here you can drill down to get a list of bookmarks.

One neat touch here (if I do say so myself) is that pressing “Add” button pre-populates the tags field with the current tag, so in this case the “Add bookmark” screen would have “iphone” in the tag field.