
Announcing: ShareEverywhere 1.0

ShareEverywhere main appWandle Software Limited is pleased to announce our new app for iPhone and iPad, ShareEverywhere. Made possible by the new sharing functionality in iOS 8, ShareEverywhere adds itself to every standard “action” menu, allowing you to share links and images to a wide range of services.

Previously sharing a link from an iOS app to another service was painful. To share a link from Safari you had to either configure a “bookmarklet,” which was convoluted and difficult, or copy the link to the clipboard and manually launch a sharing app, which was clunky.

This changes in iOS 8, where apps can add themselves to the system “Action” menu. That’s exactly what ShareEverywhere does, but rather than sharing to a single service it supports fourteen! Because it’s built into the system, it works with all apps that use the system share menu and works with both links and images.

Social networks:

  • Tumblr
  • LinkedIn

Bookmarking services:

  • Delicious
  • Diigo

Read later services:

  • Pocket
  • Instapaper
  • Readability

Photo sharing services:

  • Flickr
  • Imgur

Other services:

  • Evernote

Open links in the following applications:

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • 1Password

ShareEverywhere will be available worldwide on the App Store from 17 September 2014, subject to approval by Apple. It supports both iPad and iPhone, including the new screen sizes recently announced and will be available for $1.99, £1.49, €1.79 or your local equivalent.


CameraGPS 1.1.1

I’ve seen a few reports of CameraGPS randomly stopping recording trails. This is both disappointing and confounding. Disappointing because, obviously, this is the whole point of the app. And confounding as I have never seen it happen myself, despite using the app most days.

So, in this new version of CameraGPS, I have made a number of speculative changes that should either improve reliability on their own or at least give better information about how to track down any problems if they do occur.

An incomplete list of changes looks like this:

  • Turn off trail “pausing.” Your iPhone typically turns off recording when you stop moving for a period of time. It seems to be unreliable resuming again when you start moving. This may reduce battery life but should stop CameraGPS “randomly” stopping recording.
  • Better save state when CameraGPS goes into the background. This means that in low memory situations it should more reliably re-launch.
  • Correctly show in the UI when “Significant update tracking” is not available on the current device
  • Automatically add a log file when emailing support
  • New feature: split trail. When you are recording, there is now a “scissors” icon that allows you to create a new segment in your trail. (Previously you could achieve the same effect by stopping and starting recording.)
  • Rename trails in the iPad version

I hope these changes have the desired effect. If not, please contact me using the Support button in the About screen of the app. I can’t fix bugs that I don’t know about!



Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal For Life!

From 1 August to 7 August it is World Breastfeeding Week 2014. Since 1991, WBW has been all about promoting breastfeeding:

WBW came up with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life which yields tremendous health benefits, providing critical nutrients, protection from deadly diseases such as pneumonia and fostering growth and development

The rationale this year is:

In 1990 eight global goals, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), were set by governments and the United Nations to fight poverty and promote healthy and sustainable development in a comprehensive way by 2015. There are regular “countdowns” to gauge progress in achieving the goals. This year’s WBW theme responds to the latest countdown by asserting the importance of increasing and sustaining the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the post 2015 agenda, and engaging as many groups, and people of various ages as possible.

If you can please help support this worthwhile campaign. My small contribution continues to be my baby timer and reminder app, Rootn Tootn.


Using CameraGPS when offline

I’m going to create an FAQ for CameraGPS now that it’s becoming clearer what the most frequently asked questions are! The most frequent so far have all been around how it works when away from a good data connection. So here are few of the obvious questions. Please ask any more you have in the comments.

Can I record trails when I have no data connection?


Will I still be able to see the map when offline?


When you view a map on your iPhone, iOS remembers (caches) as much of the map as it can. So, if you look at a map and then switch on AirPlane mode, you will still be able to move around a little and zoom in.

The same thing happens when you start a trail in CameraGPS with a strong data signal and then spend the rest of the day away from the cell network. Parts of your trail that were visible when you started the trail will probably be visible even when offline. New parts will not. Also, you won’t be able to switch views and expect to see it update. Your best bet at getting the most data available offline is to use the normal map view. As you would imagine, using the satellite view takes up more space.

How big is this offline cache?

The area available varies depending on a lot of factors, few of which you or I can control. To give you some idea, I was able to cache a lot of the Bay Area (the City, Berkeley, the southern part of Marin) when I was there a couple of years ago.

Can I tell CameraGPS to remember bits of the map in advance so it will be available when I’m offline?

As far as I know there is no way for me to do this. The best I can offer is suggesting that you view the area you’re planning on visiting shortly before you lose your data signal.

Can I save to Dropbox or Box when offline?

No. You should get an error message saying so.

Is there anything else that won’t work?

It won’t be able to copy your data to iCloud — though it will upload the data when you later get a data connection.

And it won’t be able to correctly name any new segments of your GPX trail (you can see them in the “Options” screen). Again, it should fill in the gaps once you have a data connection.


CameraGPS 1.1

CameraGPS on the iPadThe first feature update to our newest app, CameraGPS, is now with Apple awaiting review. Hopefully it will be available to download shortly.

In addition to the usual minor fixes and refinements, CameraGPS 1.1 has two main features:

  • Export your GPX trails to Box as an alternative to Dropbox
  • Now a Universal app, working both on the iPhone and the iPad
  • Syncs between all your devices using iCloud

Yes, I know that’s three bullet points. The iCloud syncing was there in version 1.0 but now, with the iPad support, it’s actually useful!

Box has become increasingly popular recently, especially with companies rather than individuals, and it’s always good to have extra options.

Personally, I don’t use the iPad version to record the trails, but I find it useful to be able to view them on the larger screen of the tablet. Sometimes you need to wait a while before all your devices are in sync. This, unfortunately, is outside our control (there’s no way to even show a progress indicator or even a hint that there is data to be downloaded). However, what I can say is that it’s worked pretty well for me.

I hope you like the new features. Please let us know what you think.


Yummy 2.7.10

I don’t think we’ve ever got as far as double-digits in patch version numbers — so that makes this new version of Yummy special!

Other than the number it’s a pretty minor update. There are two visible changes:

  • When you ask for tag suggestions, if there are none you now no longer get an error message
  • The Open Source library that I was using for the tabs in the edit bookmark screen was proving to be a little crashy, so I have removed in and am now using a standard Apple component in its place

In addition there is the usual collection of minor tweaks and fixes. Hopefully I’ll have more news about version 3.0 soon, once it’s feature complete.


BritMums Live

Rootn Tootn 2.0 - Statistics Screen
Rootn Tootn 2.0 – Statistics Screen

To coincide with this weekends BritMums Live conference, we’re having a half price sale on Rootn Tootn!

Of course the basic version is still completely free to download and use. If you want to unlock all the features — including unlimited reminders and more personalisation options — you can get that inside the app for half the usual price.


Wandle Software: Year Three

Wandle Software is now about three years old. I say “about” because the filing of the paper-work and then Apple taking notice took a while, so the exact date gets a bit blurry. In any case it’s around this time of year and we’ve just had a very big WWDC, Apple’s annual developer conference, so I thought that it would be a good time to discuss what I’m hoping we’ll see in the next year or so.

As ever, what I’m going to talk about here are less plans and more ambitions. There are no dates attached to anything and I’m not making any commitments.

Changes mostly come in two categories: things that I was planning on anyway and things that become possible because of new features in iOS 8.


First, because it’s the closest to being finish, is CameraGPS version 1.1. This is the first feature update to CameraGPS, adding a few features that I wanted to put in version 1.0 but never quite got the time. This will hopefully come out very soon and I’ll discuss the new features then.

Beyond that, iOS 8 has changes to both CoreLocation (how it gets the GPS coordinates) and allows third party Cloud storage services, such as Dropbox, to “plug in” to other apps. It’s unclear to me at the time how either of these changes will affect CameraGPS but there will likely be an iOS 8 update if only to assure compatibility.

Rootn Tootn

At least one of the changes in iOS 8 comes a bit too late for Rootn Tootn. iOS 8 finally has support for the background blur effect meaning that I wouldn’t have had to implement it myself for version 2.0!

As it happens, of course, I did and I don’t plan on dropping iOS 7 support just so I can use the new and easy way of doing the same thing in iOS 8.

In short, I don’t currently see any iOS 8 features that it needs but I am in the early stages of planning another feature release. This may or not make it out this year.


One of the big new features of iOS 8 is “extensions,” or the ability for one app to talk directly to another. Since Yummy 1.0 in 2008 I have been waiting for a way to better allow adding a bookmark from Safari. In fact, this has been the number one source of poor reviews and features requests. The fact that I have not been able to do anything about it has been frustrating to say the least!

So it won’t come as a surprise to hear that I fully intend to support an extension to do exactly that. I am still experimenting to find out what I can do, but support will emerge in some form.

For the past few months I have been working on Yummy 3.0, a substantial update that takes advantage of the vast performance increase of devices released since Yummy 2.0 first came out at the beginning of 2009. Any new iOS 8 features will be in that and not the current 2.x versions. I’m yet to decide the “business” side (pricing or availability) or the minimum supported version (one possibility is to make it iOS 8 only).


Like Yummy, www.cut may be able to make use of the new extension mechanism. I will add that support if it makes sense.


There is also the possibility of a couple of new apps. First is a small, utility app made possible by iOS 8. Second would be in collaboration with anther company and may or may not be under the Wandle name. Either way, you’ll hear about it here if it happens.


Rootn Tootn 2.0.3

Rootn Tootn 2.0 -Reminder Settings
Rootn Tootn 2.0 -Reminder Settings

Update 28/04/2014: The short version is, download the update now. Apple approved it in less than eight hours!

Sorry, a bug slipped through into Rootn Tootn 2.0.2. The next reminder will get set to 13 years ago if it’s based on the end of the timer. This only affects duration timers; event timers are unaffected. I have already submitted an update to Apple.

Hopefully it will be approved as quickly as 2.0.2 was, but until then there is a workaround. You can set the reminder to trigger from the start of the duration timer as a temporary workaround. (That is, the opposite of the setting shown on the screenshot to the right).

I apologise again that this got through my testing.


Rootn Tootn 2.0.2

Rootn Tootn tutorial
Rootn Tootn tutorial

A new version of Rootn Tootn is currently with Apple, waiting for review. Hopefully it will be available shortly.

Changes in this version fall into two main buckets:

  • A new tutorial when you first launch it
  • Minor bug fixes and enhancements

The first guides you thought some of the main features of Rootn Tootn and clears up a couple of misconceptions that people seem to have that I don’t believe can be fixed by changing the interface.

There are lots of other, small changes. The ones you might be able to see are as follows:

  • Can now edit event timers (broken in 2.0.1)
  • Use full resolution icon in the about box
  • Make duration in history view more legible
  • Display the amount of time a reminder has been active rather than just saying “active”
  • Ask for a name when creating a new reminder
  • Highlight the “settings” button when in Edit mode

As always, we hope you enjoy the update. Please add a review in iTunes if you like it!