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Yummy 2.4 new feature: Enhanced Tag Editing

Like the Web Preview screen that I talked about yesterday, the Tag Editing screen is one that has existed for a while but sees a significant update in version 2.4.

Rather than just allowing you to select from your own tags, Yummy now goes back to and asks for recommended and popular tags for the link in question.

As you an see in the screen shot, it also shows your network, allowing you to share your bookmarks with other Delicious users.

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Yummy 2.4 new feature: Enhanced Web View

Yummy has had a built-in web preview feature since version 2.0, but version 2.4 brings a number of nice improvements.

Most obviously is the new array of buttons at the bottom of the screen. I’m sure you can guess the back, forward and stop/reload buttons.

The buttons on the right of the screen can also be accessed in the bookmark view and they are, left to right:

  • Send to read later service Instapaper or Read It Later. This button only appears if you have entered your username into the Settings screen.
  • Share link. Here you can share the current link on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Apple calls this an “Action” button, and in Yummy it allows you to send the link by email, open in Safari or copy the link to the clipboard.

More hidden, but possibly even more useful, is the support for Mobilizers.

A mobilizer is a service that transforms other websites, making them easier to view on the small screen found on handsets like the iPhone. If you go into the Settings you switch between “None” (the default), Instapaper and Google. The screenshot above has been converted by Google’s service.

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Yummy 2.4 new feature: Post to Twitter

I can tell what you’re thinking. Yes, Yummy has been able to send links to Twitter for over a year. Since version 2.0 the “Send to Twitter” button has closed down Yummy and opened one of a long list of Twitter clients.

While that option is still present, Yummy 2.4 includes a much better option: a built-in Twitter client. If you’re just sharing a link it means that you don’t have to exit Yummy which makes the whole process that little bit quicker and more convenient.

So how do you get it?


First go to the Settings screen, either the one from the main menu or the one in the Settings app:

Change the Twitter Client option to “Built-in.” It’s the first option after “None.”

Next go to a link that you want to send to Twitter and press the “Link” icon in the toolbar.  Press the “Send to Twitter” button.

Now comes the slightly annoying bit.

Press the “Login” button. Yummy will now (after a prompt) quit and take you over to Safari. Here you should log into Twitter as instructed and copy the PIN code to the clipboard.

(The irony of having a system to avoid having to exit an application requiring the user to exit when setting it up is not lost on me. I’m hoping to improve this in a subsequent version.)

On relaunching Yummy you should see the following screen:

Do as instructed and you’re ready to go. Yummy will have remembered your link (so you can publish straight away). You only need to go through this Yummy-Safari-Yummy trip once.

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Stuck at “Refresh” when logging in?

One question that puzzles some new users is, well, the first question that Yummy asks when you launch it, namely: should I log in using my account or my Yahoo! ID?

May be it could have been clearer, but you should only select the Yahoo! ID option if you’ve linked your Yahoo! ID with your account. This will be the case if either you’ve made the link yourself or you’ve opened an account in the last few months.

If you say you have a account when you have a Yahoo! ID, you’ll get a message saying that your username and password was not valid.

If, on the other hand, you say you have a Yahoo! ID but your account is still accessed using your username and password, you get this:

Unfortunately Yummy “hangs” saying “Starting refresh…” The next version, due out in a month or so, has a fix for this (it’ll report an error, allowing you to try the other mechanism).

But that doesn’t help you right now. So what to do?

Simple. Quit Yummy by pressing the Home button and relaunch. You’ll get back to the Welcome screen and you can pick the option this time.

One final note: why do I ask users to make the choice? The short answer is that there is no way to determine what type of account you have without trying to log in. And when you use a Yahoo! ID the process is very different to using a username so I can’t just try both and see what happens.

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Yummy 2.3.3 Approved

It was looking as though this might actually get approved before Christmas but in fact it only hit the App Store late last night (UK time). Or put another way, only hours after I grumbled how long it was taking!

This is a minor update — only a few lines of code — that fixes an annoying problem that I wrote about earlier.

In summary:

  • No longer goes to login screen when you press the “Suggest Tags” button. This only ever affected people who use their Yahoo! ID to log in

As ever, please let me know if you have problems. And I’m still working on the next major version. You can make new feature suggestions on my UserVoice page.

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Suggest Tags in Yummy 2.3.2

A user told me that they were thrown back to the log in page whenever they pressed the “Suggest Tags” option when adding a new bookmark. Fortunately this won’t affect most users and many web pages, but there is a bug there and I will fix it as soon as I can. Read on for more details and what to do it if happens to you.

So, first, how does it happen? The underlying cause is a bit technical, but you’ll need to be logged in using your Yahoo! ID — it does not affect the vast majority of users who have a username and password — and you’ll need to be saving a URL with various “odd” characters in it. Sometimes it won’t fail as such, but will return suggested tags for a slightly different page.

When Yummy talks to Yahoo! to get the suggested bookmarks, the response that comes back looks indistinguishable from the one that comes back when you’re not authorised. So it opens the Log In screen.

At this point you don’t need to log in again, although it won’t do any harm if you do. Instead quit out of Yummy and relaunch. Your bookmark should still be there and you should still be authenticated.

Thanks to the user in question for contacting me about this and apologies to anyone who is affected by this. As I mentioned above, I’ll get a fix out for this as soon as I can.
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Yummy / Yahoo! ID Screencast

Hopefully it should be pretty obvious when you get a copy in your hands (or at least on your phone), but if not here’s a short screencast showing how you can log into your account using your Yahoo! ID:

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Yahoo! ID FAQ

So I can log in now using my Yahoo! ID?

You log into Yummy using the same process you use to log into the website. If you have one of the original accounts — and the vast majority of people do — you need to log in using your username and password as before. If you have a new account, most likely one opened since October, then you probably have a Yahoo! ID and should use the new scheme.

I’m afraid that your Delicious username and your Yahoo! ID are not interchangeable. Only one will actually let you into your account; the other will say that your credentials are incorrect. Unfortunately without (potentially) asking you to enter your details more than once it’s not possible for Yummy to figure out which scheme you use. This is a limitation imposed by Yahoo! I’m open to ideas of how to make it simpler.

I have the option to migrate my account from using a username and password to using a Yahoo! ID. Should I make the change?
Yummy should work with the new scheme without any problems. However there are still a few reasons that you might want to stay with the “old” authentication scheme.
First, not all clients work with Yahoo! ID yet. If you use a desktop client as well as Yummy you’ll need to make sure it works too.
Also, if you have multiple accounts and switch between them you might want to think about how you migrate them. Do you need multiple Yahoo! accounts?
Having said that, it’s clear that Yahoo! plan on migrating all users sooner or later.

The login process takes you out of Yummy and into Safari. Why not just use a built-in web view?

The first point to make is that you only need to do this once, so, while it is a bit of a hassle, it’s not something you need to do very often.

As for why, the weak reason is that this is what Yahoo! recommends.

The real reason is that it’s all about trust. If Yummy brings up a web view you then have no idea what it’s doing in the background. If, on the other hand, it sends you to Safari, an application that you know and trust, then the idea is that your credentials are in much safer hands.

You could argue that you already had to trust Yummy. However, this time you’re entering your Yahoo! ID which also gives access to your Mail, Flickr and the many other services that Yahoo! provide. The Yahoo! ID mechanism only gives Yummy permission to access the resource you tell it to. I can tell you that I’m not using your password for nefarious means and you can just trust me, or you can just not give me the details in the first place.

When I log in using a Yahoo! ID it seems a bit slower than before.

Approximately once an hour Yummy has to go back to Yahoo! and ask to be authorised again. This is all automated and behind the scenes; there is no need to enter your password again. This means that your initial refresh may take a little longer than before but everything else should be about the same or quicker.

I’ve changed my Yahoo! password. Where do I make the change in Yummy?

One of the nice things about the new method of logging in is that Yummy no longer has a copy of your password and so it never needs updating, even if you change it.

How do I stop Yummy accessing my account?

You can log out of your account by pressing the new “Logout” option in the main menu of Yummy.

You can also “force” the issue by withdrawing permission from the Yahoo! website. When you first connect Yummy to you’ll get an email with instructions and a link that explain how to do this. (The link provides a unique reference so I can’t include it here.)

If you have any other questions, please ask in the comments below.

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Yummy Browser 2.3.2 Submitted

I have also submitted Yummy Browser 2.3.2 to Apple for review. Apple say that 92% of updates are approved within 14 days, let’s hope that we see it on the App Store this side of Christmas!

This update has the following changes:

  • Yummy now works with newer accounts where you use Yahoo! ID to log in
  • Bug fix where Yummy would occasionally display bookmarks in the wrong date
  • Other minor bug fixed

As with the full version of Yummy, this one now requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 as a minimum. This change should not affect anyone.

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Yummy 2.3.2 Submitted

I have submitted Yummy 2.3.2 to Apple for review. Hopefully it will be available on the App Store shortly. Apple say that 92% of updates are approved within 14 days, let’s hope this is one of them!

This update has the following changes:

  • Yummy now works with newer accounts where you use Yahoo! ID to log in
  • Bug fix where Yummy would occasionally display bookmarks in the wrong date
  • Added support for and cut.hut URL shorteners
  • Added BirdFeed support
  • Other minor bug fixed

In terms of lines of code, this is actually a significant update though most users will hopefully not notice. Another thing that I hope no one will notice is that the minimum version of iPhone has changed. Now you’ll need iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later.